Z Warrior (An RCC based on the Saiya-jin) Created by Yun Pang Incomplete Version Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ 3D4+4 ME 4D6+6 MA 3D6+4 PS 3D6+15 PP 3D6+12 PE 3D6+10 PB 3D6+3 Spd 2D4x10+30 (supernatural PS andPE) MDC: PEx10+20 +PE/lvl HF: Weight:160+ lbs Height: 5 1/2 + feet Life Span: Up to 250 years Sex: Male or Female Appearance: Entirely Human Disposition: Varies Combat Skills: Magic: PPE Base: 20 Psionic Powers: Sixth Sense ISP:10 +10/lvl Chi Base: 100+PE +100/level of experience Bonuses: +3 initiative, +2 strike, parry, dodge, +6 pull punch, +4 save vs. mega damage poisons, +6 to save vs. horror factor, in addition to attribute bonuses. 1)Multiple Dodge: dodge attacks from behind, takes one action. 2)Automatic Dodge:(adjusted) The Z warrior may dodge during the melee round without using up actions. The only bonuses counted are the above bonuses and bonuses from PP. Multiple and Automatic Dodges may not be combined but can be mixed. 3)Normal Dodge: The Z warrior receives the bonuses from flying (he can always fly away instantly), the above bonuses, PP bonuses and HTH bonuses. In addition, the normal dodge will allow the Z warrior to escape explosions unharmed as long as the the explosion has a radius less than the Z warrior's level times 10 in feet (or level times 50 if blasting). 4)Entangle (grab arm or leg) 5)Paired Weapons 6)Judo Throw or Flip 7)Flip/Throw Counter: if failed to parry or dodge flip/throw spend one action roll D20 +bonuses if equal or greater to the throw roll then land safely. If a -5 penalty is taken to the counter roll, upon a successful the Z warrior may attempt to attack the thrower back in which case the thrower can only parry/block. 8)Instant Stand: whenever the Z warrior is knocked off his feet by an attack, he may roll D20 +bonuses to regain his footing without using up an action. If the roll equals or is greater than the strike roll, then the Z warrior has regained his footing. 9)Parry Blasts: The Z warrior can parry blasts with his bare hands. This ability only works as long as the the blast's maximum damage does not exceed 50 times the Z warrior's level of experience. The Z warrior will have an instinctive idea of how powerful the blast is from Sixth Sense. The Z warrior can also parry missiles but is -5 to do so, failure results in the detonation of the missile, success results in the missile being knock off course. 9)Parry Bursts: The Z warrior can move fast enough to parry bursts but is at a -5 to do so. A volley of missiles can be parries at -5 plus an extra -1 per missile. Heals twice as fast as a normal human Chi Powered Abilities: 1.)Enhanced Strength: In addition to the Z warrior's already supernatural strength, his chi can also provide him with extra power: for every 50 points of chi (current base chi + current SSJ pool + current enhanced pool) the Z warrior receives a +1 to PS. As a Z warrior spends chi for other powers, his current chi will lower resulting in a lesser or nonexistent bonus to PS. 2.)Flight: The Z warrior can fly using chi: Base flight speed is 50 mph per level of experience. This flight is similar to TK flight an is totally silent. If pressed for speed, the Z warrior can opt to blast. Blasting creates an energy aura, an accompanying contrail and is very noisy. The upside of blasting is that the Z warrior can fly at Mach one per level of experience for a low cost of one point of chi per melee round. Both forms of flight provides the usual dodge bonuses. 3.)Energy Discharge: The Z warrior can expel chi in the form of destructive energy/force blasts. The basic manifestation of this power is the fireball; a glob of chi energy that produces both heat and impact damage. The fireball is explosive in nature, affecting the target much like a missile (main target takes full, those in the radius of the blast take half). It may be dodged or blocked but only Z warriors can parry it without it exploding and doing half damage. For every point of chi put into the fireball, it does 1D6 MD. A maximum of 5 x level amount of chi points may be used in one fireball. The fireball has a blast radius in feet in equal to the number of chi points used. The range of the fireball is 1000 ft plus 250 feet per level of experience. Only the racial bonuses and the bonuses from PP apply to the fireball. Other forms of energy attacks can be taken as skills... 4.) Defensive Aura: The Z warrior is able to create an defensive shield around his body that can withstand 5 MDC per point of chi used. The maximum amount of chi that he can have in his aura is equal to 50 per level experience (or 250 MDC per level). If the field is damaged, the Z warrior may spend extra chi to bring up the aura chi total to 50 x lvl. The aura has a duration of one hour or until all MDC have been depleted. While the aura is up, the Z warrior will not be able to recover any of his base chi (or recover chi from the SSJ pool), but is still able to power up as usual. The activation or enhancement of the defensive aura does not take an action and is instantaneous as long as only one adjustment has been done to the aura per action. (i.e. you can turn on your aura for 10 MDC but can't increase it to 50 in the same action... you can however just turn it on to 60 MDC) In any case the aura must be set before damage is calculated. Creating a powerful defense field will limit your offensive capabilities. The aura is visible to the naked eye and can be a variety of colors. Example of use: Bardock (first level Z warrior: 125 base chi points total -early in his career) is in a battle. He first starts off by spending 25 chi points to create 125 MDC aura, and launching a attack (his first action). His opponent blocks the attack and strikes back for 34 points of damage; Bardock's MDC is reduced to 91 (chi points in aura drops to 18 -rounded down). On his next action Bardock, seeing more enemies approaching, spends 32 points of chi to increase his aura to the maximum: 50 chi points or 250 MDC. If Bardock thinks he needs more protection, he can withhold his attack and reboost his aura when it gets damaged. As luck would have it his enemies bombard him to heck with fireballs: the first two (Bardock voluntarily lost initiative for holding his action) do an incredible 243 points of damage, sending Bardock flying through the air. Bardock realizing his impending danger, spends another 20 chi points and using up his action to boost his aura back up to 107 MDC before the third opponent hits him for 45 points of damage. (Bardock could have dodged /parried some of the attacks but luck was against him) At the end of the second melee action, Bardock only has 48 chi points left. 5.) Speed Boost: The Z Warrior can use his chi to momentarily increase his speed and give him extra action/attacks per melee round. The maximum number of extra attacks possible is equal to the level of the Z warrior (i.e. a first level Z warrior can gain only one extra attack). Using the speed boost does not count as an action but costs the Z warrior 5 points of chi for every extra attack he receives. The extra attack only applies to that melee round unless the Z warrior spends more chi in the following rounds to maintaining the extra attack. The speed boost does not have to be used at the beginning of the round. 6.)Power Boost: The Z warrior can charge himself up with chi and thereby increase his power. All the chi from the Power Boost go into the Enhanced Chi Pool. Whenever the Z warrior has chi in his enhanced chi pool, he projects a glowing aura of varying colors (mostly white). The Power Boost cannot be used to regain Base Chi Pool or chi in the SSJ Pool; those chi pools can only be refreshed through rest. A Z warrior may only power up once per day per level of experience (i.e. 5 times per day for a 5th level Z warrior). Furthermore the Z warrior cannot have more chi in his Enhanced Chi Pool than he has in his Base Chi Pool and SSJ Chi Pool combined. A single power up can provide up to Base + SSJ Pool amount of chi. Multiple Power Boosts may be used one after another as long as the Enhanced Chi Pool never goes above the limit. Each action spent powering up provides the Z warrior with 5 X level amount of chi. A Z warrior may not use a Speed Boosted extra action to power up. He may however power up, and then use the chi from the power up to boost his speed. A Z warrior may not dodge, parry or block during the Power Boost, the only allowed defensive action is increasing his Defensive Aura. The chi form the Power Boost only last one melee round per level of the Z warrior after the fight is over (i.e. you can't always stay powered up). Example of use: Bardock is at his maximum power level before the fight (125 chi). Sensing enemies approaching, he uses the Power Boost. For his first action, he screams in typical DBZ fashion, and gains 5 points of chi to his enhanced pool (Enhanced Pool Total: 5 Current Enhanced Pool Chi: 5). I f Bardock spends 24 more actions powering he would reach his limit of 125 in his Enhanced Pool Total -even if he spent some of his Enhanced Pool Chi, he would still be unable to power up further (since he is only entitled to one power up and he has used all 125 points possible for that power up). If Bardock was second level he could have reached an Enhanced Pool Total of 225, spent 10 points of chi for a fireball, and then use his second power up of the day to bring his Enhanced Pool Total back up to 225 but not beyond (he does however still have 215 points of chi still available in his second power up to use to recharge his enhanced pool should it ever fall below 225). During the powerup the Z warrior generates a HF equal to his level plus three. The above are standard abilities common to all Z warriors, the following is a list of skills that may or may not be part of the Z warrior's abilities. One of the following may be chosen per level of the Z warrior (with some noted exceptions). 1.) Energy Discharge: Light (Sun Burst) Same effect as Blinding Flash the spell except with a radius of 10 feet for every point of chi used, and it is centered on the user (who presumably closes his eyes as he does the sun burst). 2.) Energy Discharge: Force (Push Attack) Instead of firing a fireball, the Z warrior can use his chi to push his opponent back. This attack may be blocked, parried or dodged. Failure to do so will push the target back a number of feet equal to 10 times the amount of chi used. The target will take 1D6 SDC for every ten feet he would have traveled if he hits a solid object. Furthermore, the target must roll vs. punch against the attack or be knocked off his feet (and lose one attack). The target The maximum amount of chi that can be used in this manner is the same as a normal fireball. The only bonus that is applicable is the +2 racial bonus. 3.) Energy Discharge: TK (prereq: Energy Discharge: Force) The Z warrior has fine tuned his force attack to the point that he can use it to levitate and move around objects. The maximum weight of the object(s) is equal to 100lbs per point of chi used. The range is 100 feet per level of the Z warrior. The speed, damage and bonuses are equal to Super TK, the psionic power. The duration is one melee round. 4.) Energy Discharge: Disc (Kin-zan) Instead of firing an explosive fireball, the Z warrior can create a disc of force and use it to slice his opponent. The disc does 1D8 MD per point of chi used. This attack may be blocked, parried or dodged, but it is -3 to block or parry because of its nature. It has the same limitations as the fireball with regard to range and max amount of chi per attack. It is however non-explosive and is -3 to strike (other modifiers apply as per fireball). (reads cutting damage for GURPS Guru) 5.)Energy Discharge: Bolt (Freeza's move) Instead of a fireball, the Z warrior can create a bolt of force/energy to attack his opponent with. The bolt does 1D10 MD per point of chi used. This attack may be blocked, dodge or parried, but it is -4 to block and parry because of its nature. It has the same limitation as the fireball with regard to range and max amount of chi per attack. It is however non-explosive and -6 to strike (other modifiers apply as per fireball). (reads impaling damage for GURPS Guru) 6.) Homing: By spending twice the amount chi normally used, the Z warrior can make his fireball, disc or bolt homing. A homing missile provides a strike bonus of +5 (other bonuses and penalties still apply). Furthermore the homing missile will last one melee action per level of the Z warrior. While the missile exists, the Z warrior cannot take any other actions (besides upping his defensive aura). The missile in turn becomes a remote attack controlled by the Z warrior. It can either make one attack or one dodge per round (the attack uses the above strike bonus while the dodge is at a straight +5). The missile will cease to exist either when it hits a solid object, gets hit by an attack doing 1 MDC per point of chi used in the missile or time runs out. If the Z warrior abandons his missile before the duration runs out, the missile will head in the direction it was heading prior to being abandoned. The missile can cover the normal range of a fireball per melee action. A maximum of 10 times the level of the Z warrior amount of chi may be used in one such attack (i.e. 10 chi points can be used by a first level Z warrior in a homing missile attack -while the missile only lasts one action, he still receives a +5 to strike with it). 7.) Energy Discharge: Powered Blast (Bi-ning-la-da) This is the lower end of the super blast techniques. The basic idea is that the Z warrior powers up and unleashes a fireball of immense magnitude. The blast does 2D6 MD per point of chi used in the attack. The maximum amount chi that can be used in one attack is 25 times the level of the Z warrior. The radius of the blast is still equal to the number of chi used in feet. The blast only explodes if it hits a solid object (a wall, the ground). This attack must be the first and only attack of the round for the Z warrior. During this attack the Z warrior cannot block, parry or dodge. His only defense is the defensive aura and the range of the super blast (i.e. fly far away out of their weapon range before doing this). The range of the blast is 1000 feet per level plus 100 feet per point of chi used. The blast is at +5 to strike in addition to any other modifiers. The blast may not be parried but may be blocked or dodged at a -3 penalty. The Pushing War: Whenever, two Z warrior use the Powered Blast against one another, a pushing war may result. The pushing war is the energy of the two powered blasts pushing against one another. Such a clash always takes place more or less half way between the two opponents. In such a case roll for damage for both sides, the difference of the damage (in tens of feet) is added to distance between the victor and the fireball and is subtracted from the distance between the loser and the fireball. The fireball is assumed to have a radius in feet total number of chi of both (or all) of the blasts. Should the fireball hit the loser, it does damage equal to the combined damage of both blasts. If it doesn't reach the loser then the contest continues to next round where the blast becomes even larger (the total damage is kept from last round and a new contest is held -and the results applied). Should one of the contestants stop his Powered Blast then he effectively does Zero damage for the round (probably resulting in the fireball hitting him). The one who stopped however can still make use of other techniques to save himself (i.e. Sho-Kan-Idou, creating a Barrier, or by dodging (a further -2 penalty for each round he spent in the pushing war). Note: Other weapons/blasts may also be used to counter a Powered Blast (i.e. A volley of missiles may be fired at the approaching Powered Blast). In such a case, the Powered Blast may be detonated (inflicting its normal damage with its normal radius) if the opposing attack inflicts at least 75% the damage of the Power Blast. 8.) High Speed Shifting: By spending 5 points of chi each melee action, the Z warrior can move up to 100 feet per level of experience and still make a normal attack. He may, on the other hand, choose to move half that distance and attack the enemy from behind. (An attack from behind is -5 to defend against and the victim must have multiple dodge or multiple parry to begin with) Note: The Z warrior has multiple dodge but not multiple parry. To the world at large the Z warrior seems to teleport from place to place but in actualality he's only using his speed to fool the eye. 9.) Shadow Casting: (prereq: High Speed Shifting) By moving extremely fast and then remaining momentarily at one place, the Z warrior can leave images of himself. The images are static so they'll only be able to fool opponents for a brief period of time. By spending 10 points of chi each shadow, the Z warrior can create up to his level number of shadow images of himself in addition to recieving the benifits of High Speed Shifting. With this power, the Z warrior can speed up to his opponent leave an image of himself attacking from the front, and attack from the rear as his opponent dodges the attack from the front. The shadow images last for an entire melee round, though oppoents will notice that the images are static after the first attack/action. The number of images can be spread out during the melee round (i.e. a 2nd level Z warrior can create two shadows during the first action of the round, or he can create one image during his first action and another during his second action. In any case all the images vanish at the end of the melee round.) Only the Z warrior's body (and what ever he's carrying) can be left as a image, the Z warrior cannot make a shadow image of a fireball. 10.) Chi Awareness I: by spending one action per melee (comes of the last action of the melee round), the Z warrior can track living creatures and disturbances in the envirnoment in his mind. While using this power, the Z warrior can see through illusions, follow super fast movement (like High Speed Shift), and function normally against living opponents even if blinded. The range of this power is 1000 feet per level of experience. This ability will give the chi warrior an rough estimate of the person's chi in addition to just pinpointing that person's location. If the subject is someone the Z warrior knows well or has sensed his chi before, the Z warrior will be able to identify that person through his chi. A person's chi signature will always be the same even if that person's mind is no longer in his body. This power will not sense robots and undead creatures but it will sense their disturbance of the air around the Z warrior. 11.) Chi Awareness II: (prereq: Chi Awareness I) Same as above but the Z warrior can extend his range to interstellar distances. This ability should not be used in comabt since it takes one melee round for every 100 light years of distance between the Z warrior and his target. 12.) Sho-Kan-Idou: (prereq: Chi Awareness II) By spending 25 chi the Z warrior can teleport to another living creature that he has sensed with Chi Awareness. If used in combat, the Z warrior can use it to evade an attack (+10 to dodge -no other modifiers apply) and reposition himself next to a living creature (within 10 feet). Using the power this way uses up an action. The Z warrior can also use this power during a Powered Blast so that he can teleport to point blank range and then unleash his blast. If this is the case the victim must roll vs HF 15 or have no defense against the attack (other than boosting his aura). 13.) Barrier: This purely defensive move creates a barrier around the Z warrior (radius = 5 times level in feet). The barrier can have up to 10 points of chi per level of the Z warrior. The barrier has 25 MDC for every point of chi placed in it. The barrier will last one melee round or until cancelled by the Z warrior. The Z warrior (and those inside the barrier) cannot attack through the barrier (without damaging it).