Zoamorph R.C.C. The Zoamorph is a creation of mine based loosely on the Aptom character in the Guyver comic book and anime series. For those unfamiliar with the character, Aptom was one of the ''Lost Unit'' created at Chronos Japan. He was an experiment to create a Zoanoid that could adapt his form for a variety of uses, however he ended up being less powerful then his creators had hoped, and it was impossible to create more like him. Later, the Zoalord, Doctor Valcrus, experimented on him, enhancing his powers tremendiously, he became a genetic parasite capable of absorbing the powers of any Zoanoid. Unfortunately Valcrus' tinkering also made him completely immune to Zoalord mind control, and he went rogue. This character class is based on the idea that Chronos later perfected what they were trying to create with Aptom, an adaptable shapeshifter spy. The character type can be easily used in Rifts and Nightspawn settings. The Zoamorph is a creation of the genetic labs at the Chronos Corperation. A highly adaptable zoaform, the Zoamorph is less powerful then a Zoanoid, but is highly useful in espionage rolls. The original Zoamorph research was done at the Chronos Japan facility, but it suffered from several spectacular failures. Unreproducable units and unstable mutant forms were the results of their research. The research was transfered to other branches, who eventually perfected a Zoamorph that had useful capabilities, was reproducable, and highly stable. The Zoamorph is different from most zoaforms in they do not have a weaker human form and a combat form, but instead have a highly variable body that can adapt to any need. Their physical abilities are generally greater than a normal human, but not a powerful as most Zoanoids. On Rifts Earth the decendents of these mutants usually carry on their genetic legacy, but rarely express their mutant traits. The Zoamorph genetic code is highly recessive. Only the occasional human, whose both parents were carriers of the Zoamorph genes has a small chance of espressing them. Alignment: Any, but most commonly anarchist ot evil Rifts O.C.C.'s: Any Men of Arms or Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C. that doesn't have psionic, magical or supernatural powers. Common O.C.C.'s include the spies, scouts and city rats. Use the Nightspawn experience table Nightspawn O.C.C.: Chronos trained Zoamorphs have skills equivalent to a ADA Field Agent. They use the Nightspawn experience table. Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 2D6+12, P.P.: 2D6+9, P.E.: 2D6+12, P.B.: 3D6, but can be controlled from 3 to 24, S.P.D.: 2D6+12 Hit points: P.E. plus 1D8 per level of experience. S.D.C.: 60. M.D.C.: On Rifts Earth the Zoamorph is an mega-damage creature, with an M.D.C. equal to his combined hit points and S.D.C. P.P.E.: 1D4+1, the Zoamorph process burns off most available P.P.E. Horror Factor: None normally, but 14 when transforming. Weight: 125 - 250 lbs. Size: 5-8 feet tall. Natural Abilities: The Zoamorph is immune to magical transformation, the same as the Nightspawn ability. They have night vision and superior day vision. The Zoamorph is also a natural shapeshifter. Any living form can be immitated, from one eigth to double normal mass. They have a natural disguise skill equal to 70 percent plus 2 percent per level of experience. They cannot create inorganic substances and equipment. Form changing takes only one melee round. The Zoamorph also regenerates at an amazing rate of 3D6 per melee round. Severed limbs and destroyed organs regrow in one melee round thanks to their shapeshifting, but the M.D.C. must heal back as normal. Only reducing the Zoamorph to negative P.E. in hit points or M.D.C. will kill the creature. Even beheading is just a temoprary setback for this shapeshifter, who can simply gow a new head. Simple physical powers can be gained through shapeshifting, among them are the ability to breath under water through gills, claws that add 1D6 to damage, stretching of limbs to twice their normal legnth, and wings or fins that allow flying or swimming at full running speed. Combat: As per hand to hand skills and bonuses, plus 1 attack per melee in Zoanoid form Damage: See Supernatural Strength Table for damage. Bonuses: +4 To Initiative, +5 Vs. Horror Factor, +2 Vs Magic Psionics: None. Magic: None, cannot use magic. Appearance: Appears human usually, but appearence can range greatly. Depth Tolerance: 500 Ft./152 M) Vulnerabilities: Character is vulnerable to psionic attacks. This is by design, because the heads of the Chronos Corperation were powerful psionics. The character saves vs. psionics on a 17 or less, and gets no bonus to save vs. psionics from his M.E. Nightspawn notes: On Nightspawn Earth the Chronos Corperation can be adapted into the story line with a few alterations. First their research is not based on the study of alien technology, but is an attempt to genetically engineer supernatural beings. They have secretly developed the technology to break down the genetic structure of such creatures as Werewolves, Nightspawn, and several Nightlands creatures. The Zoanoids are an attempt to recreate humans into supernatural soldiers. While Chronos kept it's activities secret, they were not prepared for a rival in world domination. Luckily for Chronos they learned about the existance of the Nightlords before the Nightlords discovered them. Their plans to take the world by force were put on hold when the Zoalords learned what they were up against. They new that a few thousand Zoanoids were no match for the millions of minions of the Nightlords. Chronos have just barely been successful in keeping the Nightlord's minions out of Chronos, through special blood screenings they are able to spot infultrators, and arrange for ''accidents'' before these spies can report back. Chronos is firstly dedicated to keeping it's agenda a secret from the Nightlords, and secondly, it plans to increase it forces so that it can one day stand against the Nightlords. While Zoamorphs more powerful then humans, they are no match for most Nightspawn or minions of the Nightlords in combat. Only their shapeshifting and skills make them a force to be reconed with. Of cource as creatures of Earth, Zoamorphs have Nightlands counterparts. The nemesis of Zoamorphs include Asmedia, Nightprinces and others. To convert Zoamorphs to Nightspawn rules, they become S.D.C. creatures. They do damage as per the supernatural stregnth table in the Nightspawn rules book.