Street Fighters O.C.C. By: Jeremy David Balsley Once, long before the Rifts, before even Victor Lazlo...there were the masters of the Arts of Unarmed Combat. Background: _The Street Fighters_ The Street Fighters are men and women trained in the ancient martial arts to such a level of perfection that they have learned to channel their very spirit (ISP, PPE, Chi) into their styles. The trademarks of the Street Fighter are his or her flashy style, the devastating techniques, and...with the most advanced Fighter, the ability to throw projectiles composed out of their very spirit. _The Grand Tournament_ Every year, the best of the best of Street Fighters fight for the title of Grand Master. For the last two years, the young martial artist known as Ryu Hoshi has held that title... Bonuses: 3D6 SDC P.P.E.: PE+1D4 Chi: PE+1D4 I.S.P.: ME+1D4 Attributes: As per R.C.C. 95% of all Street Fighters are humans. Skills: Language: Native (98%) Literacy: Native (+10%) Language: English (+10%) Literacy: English (+5%) Math: Basic (+10%) Lore: The Grand Tournament (Base: 25% +5%/Level, +10% bonus) Select 6 Skills (All at +5%) Hand-Hand: (Street Fighter) Select one Style Secondary Skills: Select 4. SFH-H: Shotokan Karate ***This Form is only available to Street Fighters!*** Key to Symbols Punch-Hand Attacks Kick-Foot Attacks Focus-Ranged attacks Parry-As usual Dodge-As Usual Roll-As Usual +: 'And' |: 'Or' +2(Punch+Kick) means +2 to Punch and +2 to Kick +2(Punch|Kick) means +2 distributed between punch and Kick Beginning maneuvers Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, AutoParry Advanced Defenses: Circular Parry. Basic Hand Attacks: Select any 3 Basic Foot Attacks: Select any 3 Advanced Hand Attacks: leap attack Advanced Foot Attacks: Leap Kick (any 3 above) Advanced Maneuvers Level 1 HaDouken Level 1 ShoRyuKen Level 1 TatsumakiSenpuuKyaku 1000 points in MA Techniques Level Advancement Chart: 1st: +2 (Punch+Kick+Focus), +3(Dodge+Parry+Roll), 2 APM, Select any 2 Techniques from MA Powers, Chi Mastery, or Special Katas. 2nd: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus), +2(Punch|Kick|Focus) 3rd: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll), select 1 MA Technique from the above list 4th: +1 Attack per Melee 5th: +2 (Punch|kick|focus) 6th: +1 (Parry+Dodge+Roll+Punch+Kick+Focus), +1 APM 7th: Select 1 Zenjorike Power, +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 8th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll) 9th: +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 10th: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus+Dodge+Parry+Roll) 11th: +1 APM, +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 12th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll) 13th: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus+Parry+Dodge+Roll) 14th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll|Punch|Kick|Focus) 15th: Select 1 Zenjorike Power SFHH: Shotokan Karate Special Maneuvers Ha Dou Ken The Infamous Wave Motion Punch The Fighter pulls his/her arms back, gathers his/her Chi, then cuts loose. Level 1: (100 points) A Dan style 'GaDouKen' Range: PE inches Damage: 2D4 Level 2: (250 points) A Sakura style "HaDouKen" Range: PE feet Damage: 2D4 Level 3: (400 points) A Ryu/Ken/Gouki Style HaDouKen, the most advanced one Range: PE Meters Damage: 2D6 Enhancements: Charging: (20 points) The fighter can spend extra attacks, to increase the size of the projectile, making it more likely to strike the intended victim. Sakura's HaDouKen is an example of this in action. _Number of Attacks_ _Range_ _Damage_ _Strike_ 1 Attack Full Normal Normal 2 Attacks 1/2 +4 +2 3 Attacks 1/16 + Elemental: (20 points) The fighters projectile inflicts damage of an elemental nature. The most common element is that of Fire, followed by ice or electricity. Range: Normal Damage: Normal + 3 Effects: Target suffers the effects of a knockdown, and looses an attack Fast: (20 points) The fighters HaDouKen gets a +1 Initiative for each time this power is selected. Heavy Damage: (30 points) The fighters HaDouKen is more damaging. Damage: Normal +2 Knockdown: (10 points) The fighters Hadouken inflicts a knockdown on its target