Starfleet Special Operative O.C.C. By: Tim Santa Cruz These guys are Starfleet�s equivalent to the CIA. These operatives are extremely skilled and dangerous. Any job that can not be handled by diplomacy and the Prime Directive is handled by them. They are a highly secret agency, with a nearly 100% success rate. They work under direct control of the Military and do not have to answer to the Government. Most are not Academy Graduates and the few that are were may have served a small term in the Starfleet. Recruits are chosen for their leadership qualities, Intelligence, and a will to fight for the UFP. They must spend 3 years in training, and only the top 5% of all recruits graduate. The rest are sent back to Starfleet with a promotion and a raise, or sent on their way. The ones that do graduate, must go through another 4 years of training before becoming field operatives. A tour of duty is 5 years, and all operatives must serve at least two terms. They are then given the option to remain in the service, or retire at the ripe age of 35 and enjoy luxury the rest of their lives. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 11, M.A. 13. A good P.S. and P.E. are helpful but not necessary. Starting Rank: Lieutenant Jr. Grade O.C.C. Skills: Astrophysics (+5%) Computer Operation (+15%) Demolition (+10%) Demolition Disposal (+5%) Intelligence (+5%) Laser (+10%) Language: English (98%) Literacy: English (98%) Math: Advanced (+15%) Navigation: Space (+10%) Pilot: Shuttlecraft (+10%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Radio: Satellite (+5%) Read Sensory Instruments (+15%) Weapons Engineer (+5%) Zero Gravity Movement & Combat W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Starfleet (See Below) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Eight Communications - Any (+5%) Domestic - Any Electrical - Basic Mechanics Only Espionage - Any (+10%) Mechanical - Any Medical - First Aid and Paramedic Only Physical - Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot - Any (+5%) Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any Weapon Proficiencies - Any Wilderness - Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 at level One, and Two at levels Three, Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen Standard Equipment: One suit of Espionage Armor, One Type II Phaser, One Type III Phaser Rifle, 2D6 Flash Grenades, Tricorder, Universal Translator, Communicator, One Carrying Bag, One Standard Starfleet Uniform, One Standard Starfleet Dress Uniform, Three weeks of Ration Pills, Binoculars, Medical Kit. Money: Contrary to popular belief Starfleet Personnel are given a salary. For a Special Operative it is 5000 Starfleet Credits a Month (I know that's not what they use but who gives a damn). The exchange rate to Rifts credits is 5/3, meaning 5 Starfleet Credits for every 3 Rifts credits. Cybernetics: None. Would not necessarily be opposed to cybernetic implants, but Starfleet generally frowns upon them. Definitely no Bionic limbs. Hand to Hand: Starfleet Level: 1.Two Attacks per Melee; +3 Pull/Roll with Punch/Fall, Body Flip/Throw, +2 to Save vs. Horror Factor 2.+3 Parry/Dodge 3.+2 to Strike, +1 to Initiative Level 4: +1 Attack per melee, Disarm 4.Kick attack does 1D6 damage, Critical body flip/throw 5.+1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Initiative, +2 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact 6.+1 to Strike, Knockout/Stun on 17-20 7.+1 Attack per melee 8.+2 to Damage 9.Critical Strike on 18-20 10.+2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Initiative 11.Critical Strike from Behind 12.+1 to Strike, +1 to Strike with Body Flip/Throw 13.+1 Attack per melee 14.Death Blow on Natural 20