Starfleet Commando O.C.C. By: Tim Santa Cruz Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, M.E. 10, P.S.. 13. Starting Rank: Lieutenant O.C.C. Skills: Athletics Boxing Computer Operation (+15%) Demolition (+10%) Demolition Disposal (+5%) Intelligence (+5%) Language: English (98%) Literacy: English (98%) Math: Advanced (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Sniper Weapons Engineer (+5%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Heavy Energy Hand to Hand: Starfleet (See Below) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Eight from the following categories Communications - Any Domestic - Any Electrical - Basic Electronics Only Espionage - Any (+10%) Mechanical - Any Medical - First Aid and Paramedic Only Physical - Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot - Any Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any Weapon Proficiencies - Any Wilderness - Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 8 at level One, and Two at levels Three, Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen Standard Equipment: One suit of Medium Armor, One Type II Phaser, One Type III Phaser Rifle, 2D6 Flash Grenades, 1D6 Plasma Grenades, One SF-10 Disruptor, Tricorder, Universal Translator, Communicator, One Carrying Bag, One Standard Starfleet Uniform, One Standard Starfleet Dress Uniform, Five weeks of Ration Pills, Binoculars, Medical Kit. Money: Standard Salary is 6000 Starfleet Credits a Month (Equal to 3600 Rifts Credits). Starts off with One Months Pay Cybernetics: None. Would not necessarily be opposed to cybernetic implants, but Starfleet generally frowns upon them. Definitely no Bionic limbs.