Romulan R.C.C. By: Tim Santa Cruz Romulans are distant cousins to the Vulcans. Some would even consider them to be the same race. Possibly the Romulans left the Vulcans in a dispute over the addition of logical thinking into Vulcan society. Whatever their roots are, the Romulans as a race are a force to be reckoned with. They are magnificent Starship builders and have some of the most advanced FTL ships in their galaxy. They are a warlike race, constantly seeking to add more planets to their Star Empire. They are the inventors of Cloaking technology in their galaxy, a technology that they traded to the Klingons for Warp Drive. Their Military vessels are by far the most superior in the quadrant. They have the utmost confidence in their military to the point of sometimes being overconfident. This can lead to problems, but has generally led to the growth of the Star Empire. On Rifts Earth, they will seek to make alliances with seemingly powerful entities in order to advance the Empire. Alignments: Any Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6+1, Spd. 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. +1D6 per each level S.D.C.: 30 Natural Armor Rating: None Awe Factor: None P.P.E.: 3D6 Natural Abilities: Excellent Vision (3 times better than human) Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. Bonuses: +2 Save vs. Poison, +1 Save vs. Horror Factor Psionics: None Magic: None Average Life Span: 200 Years (Not sure about this one?) Rifts O.C.C.s: Any except for CS Military Skills of Note: Speak Romulan 98%, +5% on Science Skills, +10% on Engineering Skills (Mechanical or Electrical) Size: 60 + 3D6 inches Weight: 150 to 220 lb. Equipment: Romulan Body Armor Weight: 25 lb. A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 75 Romulan Disrupter Weight: 5 lb. Range: 1500 ft. Payload: 40 Damage: 4 Settings 1 - 1D4 Stun. Has a 50 % chance of knocking out victims. 2 - 3D6 3 - 1D6 x 10 4 - 2D6 MDC* * This last Setting is generally referred to as Kill and will vaporize in an instant.