AV-98 Ingram (Patlabor) The AV-98 Ingram labors were developed when general labors (large robot vehicles used primarily for construction) began being used by criminals. The Ingram was a city patrol unit, designed to police urban areas where labor crimes were most common. The standard armament for an Ingram is a labor-sized revolver holstered in the right leg, along with reload rounds. This is generally sufficient for most routine operations. The labor has its revolver holstered to enable it to keep both hands free if necessary for added versatility. However, when anticipating heavy resistance or battles, the Ingram is also armed with a 90mm shotgun, which must be carried (no holster), reload rounds are in the left leg. Both weapons have limited range for robot weapons, both due to the somewhat less advanced technology, and because the robot was designed for urban patrol. The Ingram also has a forearm shield for use in parrying energy, railgun and missile attacks and can be fitted with a larger one (as tall as itself) if necessary. (125 MDC) The Ingram is a relatively cheap robot vehicle. It does not provide any extra space for passengers, does not carry missiles and does not have a nuclear power supply. The AV-98 provides firepower equivalent to that of a heavily armed mercenary, but has much heavier armor protection. It is believed that a factory or plans for the Ingram must have been discovered, as they have begun appearing in several cities that have been becoming more high-tech, despite the fact that it would probably be more efficient to produce power armor if the means (facilities, engineers, etc.) were available. Note: Robot Combat Elite is not necessary/possible for this mecha, a pilot with Basic Robot Combat can get maximum performance possible from the Ingram. (it is old and inferior by modern Rifts standards) The AV-98 gives NO additional attacks or bonuses. (but you need Basic Combat to operate it) Crew: One Class: AV-98 MDC by Location: Head/Helmet - 90 Arms - 85 Left Forearm Shield - 75 Legs - 125 *Main Body - 200 * Depleting shuts the robot down, rendering it useless Speed Running: 40 mph maximum Leaping: 15 ft after a running start (not designed for it) Statistical Data Height: 24 ft Weight: 7.4 tons (fully loaded) Width: 13 ft Physical Strength: PS 35 (however can lift up to 2.5 tons!) Cargo: Room for one rifle Power System: electric Black Market Cost: The Black Market doesn't know where they are coming from, but they would go for about 5 million credits (dirt cheap for a robot) Weapon Systems 1. AV-98 Ingram 37mm Revolver: Weight: 500 lbs Mega-Damage: 4D6 Rate of Fire: equal to #attacks per melee, single shots only Maximum Effective Range: 2000 ft Payload: 6 shots Note: +1 to strike 2. AV-98 Ingram 90mm Shotgun: Weight: 900 lbs Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 Rate of Fire: equal to #attacks per melee, single shots only Maximum Effective Range: 2000 ft Payload: 12 shots 3. AV-98 Ingram Eletro-Baton: Mega-Damage: 4D6 Can be shortened to half its length when not in use, usually stored under the left forearm shield. 4. Extendable Hydraulic Hands/Arms: The hands are connected to a hydraulic system to enable the labor to draw its revolver from its holster in the lower right leg with maximum speed. This also enables the pilot to extend the arms for various other purposes, such as grabbing human-sized individuals. The arms can extend the full length of the forearm, approximately 6 ft. Each leg can hold either 12 shotgun or 36 revolver rounds, if the right leg is also used to holster the revolver, it can only hold 12 revolver rounds and cannot hold any shotgun rounds. By Hugh King