Mobile Police OCC (Ingram Labor Pilot OCC) The police who either pilot the giant Ingram Labors or provide support roles to the pilots. They are the officers who deal with Labor (robot), Power Armor and Cyborg crimes, being trained and equipped to deal with high powered criminals. This occupation is becoming more common in some kingdoms that are growing and expanding as they become more high-tech. However, their numbers are still presently small. Same as NGR Police OCC with following changes: OCC Skills Investigation (+15%) Language is native language Literacy is in character's native language Surveillance Systems can be changed to any Communications Pilot: Hovercraft changed to Pilot: Auto (+15%) Robot Combat: Elite changed to Robot Combat: Basic 2nd Robot Combat: Elite changed to Athletics Equipment: Suit of body armor, energy rifle and energy pistol, 4 e-clips. Other standard equipment. (clothing, utility belt, etc) Car/Jeep or Ingram Labor.