Klingon By: Tim Santa Cruz I'm sure this has been done a million times, but... This can be used for pretty much any game system, but works best in Heroes Unlimited and Rifts. This is *not* an R.C.C., but an Alien Race. (Mostly 'cause I'm too lazy to do the Skills.) BTW, I hope I am not violating any dead thread laws here. :P If you don't know who Klingons are then go watch Star Trek. They are a race of Warriors, who believe strongly in honor and combat. Most Klingons are very concerned with appearing honorable before their family and their Empire. Klingons have developed incredibly advanced FTL spaceships using a technology called Warp Drive, and use a technology called a cloaking device (traded for from the Romulans) that can render their ships invisible to all scanning devices. The Klingons are ruled by a high council with the head of that council being the leader of the Empire. There is also an Emperor named Ka'lest, but he is more of a figurehead ruler than an actual Emperor. The Klingons have highly honed combat skills and will often fight with each other, sometimes to the death, for the purpoase of building up thier comabt skills. They often have fighting tournaments in which many competitors are maimed or killed, for the sake of honor and combat. Alignments: Usually Selfish or Aberrant, but can choose any. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6+1, P.S. 4D6+2, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. + 2D6 at level one, plus 1D6 each additional level S.D.C.: 40 Natural Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: 10 P.P.E.: 3D6 Natural Abilities: Superior Physical Strength and Endurance. Heal twice as fast as Humans. Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. Bonuses: + 2 Save vs. Horror Factor, +3 Save vs. Poison, +10% Save vs. Coma Death. This is in addition to any attribute Bonuses. Psionics: None Magic: None, The Klingons don't believe in Magic. Average Life Span: 40 Years. Most Klingons die in combat, but the actual lifespan would be about 80 years. Rifts O.C.C.s: Any Men of Arms Except for Military, Borg, Glitter Boy, and Cyber-Knight. Skills of Note: Speak Klingonese at 98%, W.P. Knife., W.P. Energy Pistol Size: 66 + 3D6 inches. Weight: 180 to 250 lb. Equipment: Klingon Battle Armor Weight: 40 lb A.R. 12 S.D.C. 60 Bat'leth Weight: 20 lb Damage: 5D6 Klingon Knife Weight: 5 lb. Damage: 2D6 Klingon Disruptor Weight: 5 lb. Range: 1000 ft. Payload: 30 Damage: 6 Settings 1 - 1D4 Stun. (rarely used) Has a 50 % chance of knocking out victims. 2 - 4D6 3 - 1D4 x 10 4 - 1D4 x 100* 5 - 2D6 x 100* 6 - 5D6 x 100* * The last 3 Setting are generally refered to as Kill and will vaporize in an instant.