The Katta Based on Sierra Online's Quest For Glory 2 (C) 1997 by Kevin Siembieda. (C) 1997 Palladium Books, All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Palladium Books (R), and RIFTS (R) are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. P.P.E. (TM), M.D.C. (TM), Megaverse (TM), and Ley Line (TM) are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. By Crow T. Robot The Katta are a race of feline humanoids who inhabit the desert. They are about 4 and a half to 5 feet tall, and are usually on the lean side. Their fur is dark, and tends to grow long and curly, instead of smooth like many other feline humanoid races. They are well acclimated for survival in the desert, as their bodies can hold in moisture for long periods of time, their metabolism is also such that they only need half as much food, water, and sleep as a human. The Katta are extremly good conversationalists, and among the most common professions for them to be are Bards, Merchants, and Storytellers. The Katta are not a violent race, and while they are not unheard of, Katta warriors are rare. They tend to be travelling people, and on the worlds that they have been too, they almost never sustain an empire, but merely wander around, exploring and gathering stories. Although some Katta will eventually settle down, usually to start a buisness. (They are also good finiancialists). For some reason, they are not adapt at the ways of sorcery, and therefore a Katta who wishes to practice mystical arts will have a long and difficult road ahead of him(or her). Although magic is not natural to them, psionics are common among them. The Katta Race Alignments: Any, leans towards unprincipled/scrupulous IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6 MA: 4d6+4 PS: 2d6 PP: 3d6+2 PE: 4d6 PB: 3d6 SDC: Base of 15, Plus those gained by OCC/RCC HP: PE +1d6 Natural Abilities Metabolism: Requries half the food/water/sleep that a human of the same size would require. Weaknesses Slow Healing: Due to their slower metabolic processes, they heal at 1/2 the normal rate. This can be brought up to normal if the Katta eats 3x what he/she would normally eat in a day. Psionics: 60% chance of Minor, 10% of Major, 5% of Master ISP: Standard PPE: 1d6 for a normal, magic users have 25% PPE Penalty Cybernetics/Bionics: Not Opposed to getting them, in high tech worlds the average Katta Wanderer will have 1d4 implants.. OCCs/RCCs: Most commonly Bards, Merchants, Rogue Scholars/Scientists, Wilderness Scouts, etc. Average Life Span: 75 Years Habitat: All over the megaverse, their travelling nature has made them find their ways to other worlds besides their home in Shapier.