Jaffa R.C.C. The Jaffa are the carriers of Go'a'uld larvae. They all have a womb in their abdominal area which replaces their entire immune system. The larvae is placed in the womb and gives the Jaffa an incredibly powerful immune system, as well as superhuman strength and endurance. The Go'a'ulds rely on the Jaffa for protection as well as carrying their children. It is considered a great honor by the captive races to become a Jaffa. Each Jaffa follows a particular Go'a'uld god, unless they are traitors, in which case they will be hunted vigorously by the god. Anyone aiding a traitor will be slain immediately. Large bounties are often placed on traitors. The known Go'a'uld gods are: Ra: (Dead, unless you're doing a pre-movie game) Big shot, sun god. Apophis: Serpent god, base is on planet Chu'lak. Hathor: Sex(!!) goddess, the mother of the gods. Believed to live with Apophis. Thoth: Ibis(an egyptian bird) god, most intelligent of the Go'a'ulds. There are many other Egyptian gods, feel free to create your own factions. Alignment: Any, usually evil though. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6 M.E. 3D6 M.A. 3D6+3 P.S. 5D6 P.P. 4D6 P.E. 4D6+5 P.B. 3D6 Spd 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. + 1D20 per level of experience. S.D.C.: P.E. x 10, plus those gained from physical skills. Natural Armor Rating: None. Horror Factor: 10(note: this is only when the Jaffa displays his Go'a'uld larvae) P.P.E.: 3D6 Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, as well as a perfect immune system. P.S. and P.E. will never be less than 20. Also very good at picking up new languages; they have an extra +10% to languages. Combat: Three attacks per melee. Two form hand to hand and one form boxing. These are skills the Jaffa learns when growing up. Bonuses: +2 to save vs horror factor, +1 to strike, +3 to dodge and parry, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Psionics: None. Average Life Span: 250 years. O.C.C.: Any man-at-arms O.C.C., but no other. Skills of Note: These are base skills that all Jaffa have regardless of their O.C.C. Speak Ancient Egyptian(98%), W.P.:Energy Staff, boxing, and HtH: Expert. Energy Staff: Looks like a hi-tech, almost organic staff with two knobbed ends. One end has a web-like center to it, and can be used in melee to shock opponents. The other end is the really dangerous end - when a thumb switch is hit, the end splits into 4 sections and a burst of energy can be fired from the end. Weight: 18 lbs. Mega-Damage: Energy Blast: 4D6+10 M.D. Structural Damage: Shock Web: 4d6 S.D. Rate of Fire: Standard for energy rifles. Effective Range: 1000 ft. Black Market Cost: 35,000 credits. Morphing Armor: Each of the Go'a'uld factions has a specific type of armor that they give to their Jaffa. Ra's Jaffa had jackal and hawk armor. Apophis's Jaffa had snake armor. Hathor's Jaffa had NO armor. Most of the other "gods"' Jaffa have some form of this special morphing armor. The gods themselves wear customized versions of their faction's armor. The armor will morph from protective to "open" modes, and back, at the will of the wearer. Weight: Varies with faction. Usually around 12 lbs. M.D.C.: Varies with faction. Usually around 5 MDC. Black Market Cost: Not available even on the black market! If you want it, kill a Jaffa or BE a Jaffa! This R.C.C. Written By Ben Overmyer