FMB Hound Monocycle (Hugh King's version) The Hound is a military one man motorcycle unit, a cheap anti-armor unit. Generally used by way of greater numbers and greater mobility vs heavier firepower and heavier armor. The Hound has only minimal sensors: a targeting system and a short range radio. The pilot can be hit with a called shot at -5. (usually wearing body armor though) The Hound is +4 to dodge. Crew: 1 Class: FMB MDC by Location: *Smoke launchers(6) - 5 each *Machine-gun - 15 *Wheel - 20 **Main Cannon - 20 ***Main Body - 100 * Requires a called shot at -6 ** Requires a called shot at -3 *** Depleting shuts the Hound down, rendering it useless Statistical Data Height: 5 feet Length: 10 feet Width: 4 feet Weight: 800 lbs Cargo: Room for one rifle and sidearm Power System: Gasoline, can be converted to electric Black Market Cost: 350,000 credits if available Speed: 160 mph maximum, 80 mph considered cruising Range: 400 miles Weapon Systems: 1. Main Cannon Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor Weight: N/A Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee maximum, single shots only Maximum Effective Range: 750 ft Payload: 20 shots This weapon has very high power for penetrating the Octopus Tank armor, but minimal range and relatively low payload. Meant to be used for hard hits, then break off and reload. 2. Machinegun Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel Mega-Damage: 3d6 for one burst Range: 1200 ft Rate Of Fire: Equal to the #attacks, bursts only Payload: 20 Bursts 3. Grenade Launchers (6) Mega-Damage: By grenade type, normally smoke grenades (no damage) Range: 800 ft Rate Of Fire: one at a time or in volleys of 2, 3 or 6 Payload: 12 grenades