Cardassians R.C.C. By: Tim Santa Cruz Humanoid race that has been involved in a bitter, extended conflict with the UFP that has just recently been resolved. The Cardassians annexed Bajor and striped it of it resources. The Bajorans are very resentful of this occupation of their planet and hate Spoonheads as a result. Alignments: Any Attributes: IQ 4d6, ME 4d6, MA 3d6+2, PS 3d6, PP 2D6+2, PE 3d6+1, PB 2d6, SPD 3d6+1 Hit Points: P.E. + 1d6 SDC: 4d6 + those from O.C.C. and Physical Skills P.P.E.: 4d6 Horror Factor: 8 for those who have never seen a Cardassian Natural Abilities: The Cardassians have the innate ability to sense deception in others. It may be some kind of latent psionc power but no one knows for sure, and Cardassians will not appear as psionc. Cardassians have a 60% chance of detecting deception, even from Psioncs. Bonuses: +1 vs. Poison, toxins, and drugs; +4 Save vs. Psionics. Psionics: None O.C.C.: any but Coalition. Skills of Note: All Cardassians will speak and be literate in both Cardassian and English at 98%. Combat: two plus those gained from hand to hand training and/or boxing. Size: Five feet eight inches +3d6 inches Weight: 120-250 lb.