The Antwerp Based on Sierra Online's Quest for Glory I & IV (C) 1997 by Kevin Siembieda. (C) 1997 Palladium Books, All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Palladium Books (R), and RIFTS (R) are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. P.P.E. (TM), M.D.C. (TM), Megaverse (TM), and Ley Line (TM) are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. By Crow T. Robot Artwork By Gryphon There are many creatures in the megaverse that are regarded as dangerous. The Kreeghor, the mechanoids, sure, even the nightlords. They are all powerfull forces of darkness. Yet nothing can instill fear in the hearts of a world than a sighting of the horrible Antwerp! An animal of sorts, the antwerp resembles a bouncing blob of gelatinous glop with a face. They come in all sorts of different colors, but they all seem to act the same, repeating the endless cycle of bouncing and then multiplying into countless more antweps. At their largest, Antwerps reach about 8 feet tall, and at that point weigh about 1000-1200 lbs! At this point, they have been known to smother all but the stoutest of adventurers, to complicate matters even more, an attack on the antwerp is all but futile, as any rupture of the outer skin causes the antwerp to 'pop' and for dozens of babies to pour out. Asexual reproduction at its finest. Although they do not have to eat, there is one thing which is irresistable to any Antwerp.. An avacado. Yes, this seemingly disgusting vegetable is the most desirable thing in the world to an Antwerp. Once they catch the scent of avacado, they will bounce happily towards it, gobble it up, and bounce on their way. Antwerps, due to their mass regeneration factor, are extremly hazerdous, as any attack on them will most likely create more antwerps to deal with. Worse yet is that they reach full maturity in 1d4 days, resulting in dozens of bouncing blobs. They have appeared all over the megaverse, yet their origins are unknown. It is a wide rumor that they are a joke concieved by an insane Gene Splicer, yet this has not been confirmed. The Antwerp IQ: 1d4, low animal PS: 5d6 PP: 2d6 PE: 6d6 PB: 1d6, even to other antwerps its ugly Spd: 2d6 Hit Points: PE + 1d6 SDC: 1d6x10+10 MDC (on MDC worlds): 1d6x10 Special Abilities Bouncing - The antwerp is always bouncing, its how it gets things done. The crushing bounce of an antwerp delivers 1d6x10 SDC on SDC worlds, and 1d4x10 MDC on MDC worlds. The creatures can reach heights of up to 8000 feet when jumping, and are +5 to hit a target from above. It is rumored that thier tireless bouncing is magical in origin. Reproduction If the Antwerp is harmed for more than half its SDC, or ever reduced to hit points, it will 'pop' releasing 6d6 small offspring. These offspring mature rapidly, and will be full grown within 1d4 days. The only way to prevent this is to totally destroy the body, not giving the babies a chance to escape. Lifespan: 1 year