Shatterstar's works
Clan Status: Healer
Mage Status: Healer-Adept
Bondbird: Artis, a young male gyrefalcon, grey banded.
Description: Rather young by most standards, he appears to be only about20 human years old. Long hair which has been stark white since he was 15 cascades down to just past his waist. When in the Vale, it is left down, but he pulls it back to a braid when scouting. His clothing varies as well, from the mottled colors to blend into the trees, to the vibrant colors of his Vale garb.
Demeanor: Soft spoken, yet always open to others, he seems to be lost in thought at times, and other times as vibrant as any other...
Abilities: A skilled leatherworker, he makes most of his own clothing and also the accoutrements for Artis.
Hobbies: Music... any way he can get it. A skilled flutist, as well as a singer, he also enjoys dance, and can often be found musing to himself over a new song or testing out a few new steps...
Ekele Location: Currently a wanderer, trying to find a home... he has always preferred the ekeles high in the trees where the view
was nearly unhindered through the canopy above.